Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rogal Chapel - Chi Alpha

So I haven't posted in a while...

I have been crazy busy with work and XA (thats a pic of the chapel where we have XA) God has been showing up in a big way and pouring out his spirit like He said he would in Joel 2:28-32. Can't wait to tell you how, check back soon to find out...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bye Bye Verizon Advertising

No more stupid verizon message! Yay!

The well

The well is so crazy, we have a seeing eye dog! This is arwin!

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Reaction to North Fayette Shooting

I have been on the campus of Robert Morris University for a little over one year. In that time I experienced encountered situations, and events I wasn't ready for. This Wednesday was definitely one of those times. It was mid afternoon, I was at the church, and Pastor Wayne called me downstairs from where I was working in the church. He told me he was headed over to Robert Morris University, and that there was a shooting that occurred off campus. Two RMU students were killed in the shooting, one was in critical condition. The shooter was not an RMU student.

Seeing that is was a Wednesday evening, Chi Alpha was scheduled to occur at the chapel later that night. There was a speaker, Brandon Watkiss, scheduled to speak about the short term mission trip we are taking this spring. I called him to let him know what had occurred. We both agreed to be sensitive and flexible, but that he would still come and speak.

I began to pray.

As God moved upon my heart, I knew what I was supposed to say to the students that came to Chi Alpha. Something strange happened to me on the way to the campus that evening. I was on Beaver Grade Road, and just as I crossed over the Thorn Run Road intersection, this gripping fear came over me. I walked into the chapel and all I knew was i needed to pray, there were two students there, and they dropped what they were doing and prayed with me.

Brandon arrived a little later. He had never been to the campus before. However, when he pulled onto campus drive he described a wave of heaviness that came over him. Something else happened with Brandon that evening. As an evangelist, he speaks all over the place, and usually has the same message everywhere he goes. This evening God had something else in store, and gave Brandon something else to say. Before we did anything that evening, I asked the students to pray, pray for each other, pray for people effected, and pray for this campus. During that time the Lord showed something to Brandon. There was a spiritual collision that occurred on campus.

You see, we see things in the natural, but there are unseen things that occur in the supernatural. Ephesians 6:12 " For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

That evening the God challenged us. Know HIS Love, and Show HIS Love. 1 John 4:7-19 Sepaks of this love, it tells us that we show love, because of His love. Oh ya, and that fear I was feeling, here is what the Word says "true love casts our fear"

So here is the challenge this week, if you have God's love show it o someone this week, be there, listen, comfort, or whatever the love of God compels you to do.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mexico 2008

Last spring I took a group of 10 college students on the journey of a lifetime into the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. It was my first mission trip ever, and I was planning the stinking thing! This years Chi Alpha spring break mission trip is turning out to be a great one, we have about 8-10 students going. We will be traveling to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mark Zuckerberg

I watched the Mark Zuckerberg interview on 60 minutes the other night. Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. Apparently the privately owned company is estimated to be worth 15 billion dollars. Mark is only 23 years old. There are a lot of critics that think he is too young to be the CEO of a multi billion dollar coorparation, granted he is a little odd, but i think he is qualified to run it if he created the stinkin' thing!

Monday, January 14, 2008

State of the Chi Alpha address...

I am super excited for XA this week. Our first meeting of the semester is going to be this Wednesday 1/16 at 9pm in The Rogal Family Chapel. You won't want to miss this, we will be discussing an opportunity to travel to Mexico on a spring break mission trip. Also, there are four small group bible studies happening this semester, and this will be your chance to hear more about them, and make this semester a season of growth.

And for no apparent reason here is a video of a dog snoring

If you cant see the video CLICK HERE

Friday, January 11, 2008

Jesus: Good Man, Prohet, God?

I have hear a lot of different explanations about who Jesus was. A majority of the people that I get the chance to discuss this matter with agree that Jesus was a real person. In fact, so many people believe that this person exsisted time was split in two by him, B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Ano Domini Latin: The Year of the Lord)

So most would conclude from historical records, and personal testimony that Jesus was a real person, not like Santa or the Easter Bunny. Then who was he? Some religions such as Islam believe he was a prophet, in other words one who is sent by God. Many scholars and intellects conclude he was a good person with good teachings. But who does Jesus say that he is?

For the answer to that question I find myself in the Gospel of John. In this book of the New Testament Jesus makes some pretty bold statements about himself.

I am the Bread of Life (6:35)
I am the Light of the World (8:12)
I am the Good Shepard (10:11)
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved (10:9)
I am the resurrection and the life (11:25)
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (14:6)
I am the true vine (15:1)

As Josh McDowell so brilliantly entitles the second chapter of his book "More Than a Carpenter," Jesus was either a Liar, a Lunatic, or Lord. In other words Jesus was who he said he was, God, or he was crazy.

On a personal note, anyone who knows me, knows that I am not one for lofty arguments, or logical debates that explain people into converting to Christianity. Concluding who Jesus is, and accepting him as Lord and Savior, is something that has to happen supernaturally in your heart. I could never explain you into that, someone would just come along and explain you out of it. So don't take my word for it, look into it for yourself, seek out who God is. More Than a Carpenter: Books: Josh McDowell Mere Christianity: Books: C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Unselfish Commitmment

Since committing to the Lord February 10, 2002 I have seen some pretty phenomenal things occur. I have had the opportunity to see peoples lives transformed before my very eyes. All of these life changing things occurred becuase of unselfish decisions, whether by me or other people. I look back on the six years I have served the Lord, and the greatest times influence and effectiveness were times I looked at the bigger picture and realized I was doing something, and serving someone far bigger than myself.

This is the story of a man who had an eternal perspective and served faithfully, and selflessly. As a result he may have affected thousands, maybe millions of lives, and he will never be on the cover of any magazine, or on any television network. This is his story...

If you cant see the video CLICK HERE

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Great Debaters

Went to see "The Great Debaters" last night before the Steeler Game. Lets just say it was better than the game. It was truly a great movie, Forest Whitaker and Denzel Washington were awesome.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Mexico 2007

So just a word to the wise, don't watch this video unless you plan on going on the Mexico 2008 trip it is going to be sick!

Sign up for the information meeting on facebook!

Facebook | Chi Alpha Mission Trip Meeting


One afternoon, I pulled up to my house after a long morning pouring coffee, and making lattes for "the man" at Starbucks. As I pulled into the alley way behind my house I noticed there was a brand new, shiny, Lexus slowly creeping up the alley toward me. There was something about it that seemed out of place. Using my detective skills that I obtained from watching hours of Psyche and CSI, I deduced that the driver of this car did not live in the neighborhood.

As the car approached the gentleman rolled down the window, pointed to my house, and asked me if I lived there. The elderly gentleman driving the car said that he used to live in my house in 1945, and began to reflect from his car. He told me that he was in the living room doing homework, when Pearl Harbor was bombed. I invited him in, but he declined. The gentleman said he had been sick lately, and he wasn't up to it. He drove off, but I had this funny feeling inside of me like I should have prayed for him

Here is what I am getting at, that funny feeling, that is called the Holy Spirit. Don't get me wrong I am not living in guilt or anything, I am motivated not to miss another opportunity to pray and see God move.

I read this awesome blog this morning about praying and seeing God move --> Here

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Chi Alpha Testimony

Check out the testimony in this newsletter all you college students. It gives a great perspective on friends you think are unreachable. We have no idea what is going on in the lives of people around us.

Sorority Sister

The New Year, The New Blog, and The Best of 2007

So here it goes, this is going to sound crazy to some of you. My new years resolution is to blog every day in 2008! I know that some youth, and college age pastors have said that through the ages, but I really mean it. It may not be ground breaking, or profound, but it will be everyday.

The best of 2007...
AG Frat House
XA Leaders Retreat
XA Small Group Studies (You guys rock)
My Lovely Girlfriend
Reach the U in Springfield, MO
"The Master Plan for Evangelism" By Robert Coleman (Great read, you brainiacs that love to read could knock it out in an evening)
The Well Ping Pong
The first two weeks of RMU fall semester (jam packed with crazy events and fun)
Seeing the high school students grow, and leaders emerge
The Tarahumara, Mexico, and Ernie Peacock
Loving Jesus more every day
And there was so much more...


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