Thursday, July 12, 2007


My new outlook on life is WWBGD. From here on out this will be the litmus test for my life’s decisions. What would Bear Grylls do? Who is Bear Grylls, you ask? Well I am glad you inquired.

Mr. Grylls may be the most manly man on the face of the earth. He eats live scorpions, jumps out of planes, kills rabbits with pieces of wood, heck the dude even climbed Mt. Everest. Bear is the host of the television show Man V. Wild. Host isn't even the word for it, host doesn't event do it justice, he is more like your guide.

The premise of the whole show is this, Bear is dropped off in one of the world's most gnarly dangerous places, and usually he parachutes in. He usually only carries a water bottle, knife, and a flint. He spends about a week navigating treacherous terrain displaying his survival skills, showing the audience what to eat, what not to eat, how to build fire, how to kill animals, how to turn your underwear into a shelter to sleep in, and much more.

I remember once when I was in the boy scouts, and we took this five-mile hike, and I barely made it, I really thought I was a goner. I guess that is why I never made eagle.

This guy goes to desperate measures to survive in the wilderness. It got me thinking, I would consider the world around us to be in some pretty desperate times. Are we going to desperate measures to reach out to them?


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